I have heard many stories that the Diamond Sutra (金剛般若波羅蜜多經) is one of the most powerful scriptures/manuscripts passed down. There are many side stories (or rather myths) that this powerful sutra must not be recited at night as doing so will cause suffering (instead of deliverance) to the lower realm beings..
I'm not here to prove or debunk the myth. However, here's a phrase I found in the sutra which may have caused the popularization of the above sayings..
" 须菩提。在在处处。若有此经。一切世间天人阿修罗。所应供养。当知此处。即为是塔。皆应恭敬。作礼围绕。以诸华香而散其处。 "
" Subhuti. The gods, the men, and the asuras of the world make offerings at any place where this Sutra is found. You should know such a place is a stupa where everyone should respectfully bow, circumambulate, and scatter incense and flowers. "
What do you think?